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From the June 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The experience of each one to whom the truth of Christian Science becomes apparent is, from that time forward, the process of the unfolding of truth to the human mind, the process of regeneration. The ceaseless activity of the Word of God makes it certain that the power of this Word will at last be admitted by all men.

It may be asked, What is the point of contact upon which Truth, in its ever widening circle, touches all mortals with its message of enlightenment? Mrs. Eddy's discovery that all reality is in divine Mind, and that matter has no reality of its own, answers this question. By the same avenue of approach through which the spiritual universe was revealed to our Leader, it is in turn revealed to every sincere seeker for Truth. Upon the same mental basis each one changes his standpoint of life and intelligence from belief in matter to the understanding of Spirit. The denial of the testimony of the five physical senses is the corollary of the revelation of spiritual being to all men. The first important step is taken by the student of Christian Science when, as the result of study of Mrs. Eddy's writings, he is led to deny for himself the reality of the phenomena which the physical senses regard as matter. Perhaps her clear analyses of the operations of the physical senses have given him an insight into the illusive character of the testimony of these senses.

The student of Christian Science begins to think that what he has before considered as certainly material, because it is seen with his own eyes, must in reality be nothing more than a reflected image. It is an image that is seen rather than an object; but as mortal mind is wholly incapable of beholding anything except its own concepts, the image is a material image. He thus awakens to the fact that he has been seeing man as a material image instead of seeing him as the image of God. The image of God is not material but spiritual; so the question arises, How is the truth-seeker to become able to see man as he is, in the image of God and not as a mortal?

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