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Testimonies of Healing

I would like to express my deep...

From the June 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me and for my family. It would be impossible to estimate all the benefits and healings derived from this beautiful religion. Before coming into Christian Science I had been a member of an orthodox church since early childhood, but I did not understand its teachings or the Bible. Through "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy I have gained a true understanding of God's precious Word, which I feel and know is life eternal.

About six years ago Christian Science healed me of rheumatism of the eyes, after being treated for four months by specialists and receiving no hope. I had not been able to use my eyes at all and was constantly warned of what the result would be if I tried to use them; but after being under Christian Science treatment for about four months I could read Science and Health or any of the Science literature from six to eight hours a day, and the only results of such close study were stronger eyes, normal sight, and a spiritual uplift which caused great rejoicing and happiness.

My husband was healed of a very severe case of dyspepsia after all material means had failed. We have had many other demonstrations. Colds, burns, measles, and ptomaine poisoning have been overcome. Our young son has been changed from a very weak, delicate child to a healthy, robust boy. My son and I both were very recently healed of so-called Spanish influenza in its worst form. He developed acute lung trouble, and it seemed that we would both go down into "the valley of the shadow of death," but Truth was victorious, and we came out on the hilltop, rejoicing and praising our heavenly Father for His love and goodness to all of His children, as revealed in Christian Science.

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