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Testimonies of Healing

It is now three years since Christian Science...

From the June 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now three years since Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a very dear friend, and I would like to express my gratitude for the great benefits I have received through the knowledge of this beautiful teaching. At that time I was feeling very hopeless, for it seemed as though I was gradually becoming an invalid, and useless to those around me. There was a chronic bowel disorder, a kidney condition on account of which I wore a support, and severe heart trouble, often resulting in sudden attacks of faintness which were most distressing. The least exertion tired me, and I was unable to walk any distance without pain. Besides visiting other doctors I had been to a specialist, who had ordered the wearing of the support and had told my husband that great care must be taken of me, as I was very frail and must avoid exertion. As I was naturally of an energetic nature, this prospect often made me feel very miserable, and I was in this state of mind when I heard of Christian Science.

A friend wrote me of her own healing and sent me some copies of the Sentinel, which I eagerly read. I then asked for the loan of Science and Health, and after reading it for a very short time the bowel disorder entirely disappeared. After that I purchased a copy and began to study it at every opportunity. I depended entirely on my reading, as I live in the country, miles from any Christian Science church or society; but I sometimes wrote to my friend if I found anything difficult to understand, and she always responded with much loving help and encouragement. The healing was gradual, according to my understanding, but I soon began to feel stronger, and at the end of four months, after one unusually severe attack, the heart trouble entirely left me. I was still wearing the support, but one morning, as I was adjusting it, the thought came to me that God was my support, and if I relied on this, I was not relying on Him; so I discarded it. A wonderful sense of confidence and strength came to me, which overcame all fear, and I have never needed the material support since. I can now walk any distance without fatigue, ride a bicycle, do my own gardening, and hardly know what it is to feel tired.

My greatest thankfulness, however, is for the awakened spiritual understanding and for the knowledge of God as ever present Love. My earnest desire is to show this thankfulness by proving it in my daily life and by reflecting Love to all around me. My gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her life of untiring devotion cannot be expressed. Her wisdom in providing the Lesson-Sermon has proved of especial help to me, as I so rarely have an opportunity of attending a Christian Science service. I would also like to take this opportunity of thanking the editors and all those who contribute to the Christian Science periodicals, which so often provide just the needed help and encouragement, and contain many beautiful thoughts which aid greatly in the solving of daily problems.—

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