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From the June 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How many heartaches might be healed in the midst of the world's tumult if the human race would stop to ponder Mrs. Eddy's prophetic statement to be found on page 174 of Science and Health, "The thunder of Sinai and the Sermon on the Mount are pursuing and will overtake the ages, rebuking in their course all error and proclaiming the kingdom of heaven on earth." As day by day it is being proved by practical demonstration that all our Leader wrote was inspired by her accurate vision of Truth, we may safely conclude that this utterance was not penned by any faltering hand. She knew whereof she spoke. We also read in Jeremiah the same assurance, "They shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them."

From this it follows that no matter what clouds and darkness seem to engulf humanity, each and every one will at length, in some way, be overtaken by the life-giving truth that God alone is, and that He is Love. When that fact touches the individual thought, the journey to the goal of heaven and home will be begun. Afterwards there may be much wandering, some stumbling and discouragement, but the light of revelation will have fallen across the individual pathway, and dim or bright, far or near, it will never be extinguished.

To-day we may see a fellow man crushed beneath some seemingly intolerable burden, or perhaps a tempestuous creature driven through life by excessive self-will; again it may be grief that holds some hapless mortal in chains to self-pity and unhappiness; to-morrow the shining light revealed in Christian Science may have penetrated these lives, bringing hope and strength, lifting the burden, rebuking pride, dissipating grief. The light of divine Truth is always shining. It reaches dark places when all hope of joy or brightness has seemingly fled.

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