I wish to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me in the last five years. Wonderful though the healings of such discords as influenza, neuritis, and asthma are, I feel that I owe a greater debt of gratitude for the measure of spiritual understanding, gained by constant study and effort, that has enabled me to work out many difficult problems.
How can I express the deep joy and humility that fill my heart when I think how tenderly I and mine are being led out of the valley of material beliefs; how often fear, worry, resentment, discontent, have been banished from thought. I have experienced relief from the mesmerism of sorrow and depression through the understanding of Christian Science. Now that the scales of many material beliefs have fallen from my eyes, I can see that supply is always at hand and available to all who have eyes to see, and the understanding to utilize Love's infinite bounty. In times of discouragement it has been comforting to think of the promise in Malachi: "Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." This promise has been fulfilled.
In my work and travels I have experienced protection from danger, and have within the year proved immunity from fear of contagious disease. Through the loving help of practitioners I have been enabled to reflect stability and poise on several occasions when beset with fears and difficulties. I am especially thankful for the privilege of attending church services and for the Christian Science literature. I have often found help and spiritual refreshment in the reading rooms, those havens of refuge for tired humanity.