All my life I had been hindered in my studies and profession by a dreaminess, a lack of application or concentration which no teacher had detected or at least been able to help me overcome; and it was not until I studied Christian Science that it was uncovered and brought to light in my own thought so that I could overcome it. Timidity was another serious hindrance. I have shrunk from meeting people or talking with them. I could not think clearly or connectedly, and performing before any one was agony. This is taking longer to overcome, but I can gladly say I see an improvement.
My little son has never had medical attendance; and though he has been assailed by different ailments, they have been overcome quickly with help from a Christian Science practitioner. Last spring he jumped backward from the limb of a birch tree, which did not bend as he thought it would. He landed on his feet, but found upon getting up that he could not step on one foot. When I returned home a few hours afterward, the foot was about twice its usual size. I telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner for help. The swelling went down rapidly; and in two or three days he was walking on the foot, and back at school.
Can one doubt or wonder that we feel Christian Science is indeed the truth?—Newton Highlands, Mass.