One afternoon I was in the backyard having my hair cleansed with gasoline, some of which seeped into one ear, causing much distress. I went into the house to get some cotton to put into my ear to prevent any more trouble of that kind. In passing a lighted gas stove in the kitchen the fringe of the turkish towel about my shoulders caught fire and instantly my hair was burning like a torch. I put my right hand into the flames trying to beat out the fire; and when help came and the flames were smothered the hand was terribly burned. Help in Christian Science was immediately called for; and in less than one hour all pain from the burned hand had ceased, and during all of the subsequent dressing of the hand there was no pain or discomfort. The burns healed rapidly; and in a few weeks the hand was normal except for a slight scar, which is also gradually disappearing.
This to me was a wonderful demonstration of the power and protection of divine Love; for, although my hair burned so fiercely, there was not even a scorch on my face or head. I know that God watches over His children and keeps them from all harm. I am so glad to have this opportunity of expressing my gratitude for my knowledge of Christian Science.—Battle Creek, Mich.