Our little girl of two years suddenly became very ill; and in the morning about five o'clock, she had a spasm and apparently was passing on. Up to this time my wife and I were alone in our work for her in Christian Science. I then called up a practitioner by telephone. I had about four blocks to walk to reach the telephone. The practitioner began treatment for the little girl at once. When I left the house, the little girl was apparently about to pass on; when I got back, she was sleeping very peacefully. She got up as usual and ate breakfast with the family. For this demonstration I am very thankful.
I also wish to refer to a healing of myself. I became ill with a very bad cold, and it ran into congestion of the lungs and weak heart. I was kept in bed several days; but by the loving help of a practitioner I was completely healed of both the weak heart and congested lungs.
We are indeed grateful to Christian Science for all it has done for us. —Sutter, Calif.