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From the November 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Few subjects are of greater interest to the Christian Scientist than that of consciousness. Indeed, it is one to which every thoughtful person turns with the desire to arrive at a correct understanding of its origin and significance. Consciousness is a fact. Every one is aware of it. Take away that which is called consciousness, and existence to human sense would be annihilated. Consciousness is therefore fundamental.

Many hold that consciousness is a function of the so-called human mind. Thus, they believe themselves, or what they call their minds, to be conscious of the presence of matter or material objects, conscious of the form, weight, color, or other property of these objects. They also believe themselves to be conscious of moral and spiritual qualities. Not only so, they furthermore believe themselves to be conscious of mental qualities which they classify as immoral, evil, or unspiritual. That is to say, the so-called human mind claims to be conscious of material objects external to itself, as well as to be cognizant of right and wrong thoughts. Thus it is seen that mortals believe themselves to be in possession of a mind which can know both material things and spiritual ideas, which is conscious of both good and evil. That precisely is the point at which Christian Science finds mankind.

Now, Christian Science reveals the truth about real consciousness, and that in the simplest possible manner. Christian Science declares that there is only one divine Mind, and that this Mind is conscious of itself. This means that Mind, or God, is conscious of all that exists. But Mind's expression of itself is the spiritual universe or creation. Therefore, Mind is conscious of its entire creation of spiritual ideas. It follows that Mind and consciousness can never be separated. To epitomize the argument: God knows all; God is conscious of all: the spiritual creation of ideas is that of which God, divine Mind, is conscious.

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