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From the November 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The apotheosis of work stands forth in the words of Jesus, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." Likewise Mary Baker Eddy, in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 259), thus glorifies work: "God, Spirit, works spiritually, not materially." Work, then, is both an inherent quality of God and an inherent quality of spiritual man. Man does not labor alone; he works with God, divine Love. Jesus' words declare how impossible it is for the son to act independently of the Father. As the son is the reflection of the Mind which is God, so the son reflects the activity of the Mind which is God.

Every Christian Scientist should aim to work as God works, for whatever is not the business of God must be the supposititious manifestation of the so-called carnal mind. Then, since all real work is the activity of God, true work expresses intelligence, Truth, and Love. That which shows ignorance or untruth, that which is loveless or mindless, cannot truly be called work. Thus the so-called activity which is without Soul, which is without Principle, is "vanity of vanities,"—nothing, which must vanish into its native nothingness.

Work, then, in Science is not of matter, but of divine Mind. The work of God is divine Mind perpetually expressing individuality and substance to each and every individual idea. This conscious activity includes all that God manifests and all that man is. Consequently, in order that one may work as God works, one must understand the truth about work, and view it from the standpoint of Truth. Our work in Science is to think and live the truth of being, to realize for ourselves and for others God's perfect, completed creation; in other words, labor is the conscious realization and demonstration of what God hath wrought. One is about his Father's business when he is knowing and proving the truth about God and His Christ, the spiritual universe including man. One is at work in Science when he is making manifest that perfection which is divine Mind's selfhood.

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