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From the November 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The most vital thing in the world to-day is healing, as practiced by the Founder of Christianity, Christ Jesus. This healing is made possible to the present age through the revelation of Christian Science, given by Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which is the textbook of Christian Science.

Healing as practiced by Jesus and as taught in Christian Science demands obedience to the two commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind," and, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,"—commandments on which, Jesus himself declared, "hang all the law and the prophets." The student of Christian Science learns how the fulfillment of obedience to these commandments is accomplished, when he understands the revealed truth about God and man which Mrs. Eddy has given us. When this truth is understood, it is discovered also that not only has individual thought about God and man been changed from a material to a spiritual basis, but Christian Science has revolutionized the religious thought of the world by bringing to mankind the concept of God as divine Mind; by proclaiming that God is Mind and Mind is All-in-all, and that man is the compound idea, the image and likeness, of this infinite Mind, who is the creator of spiritual ideas and of nothing else.

In this dawning of a new day it is readily perceived that spiritual healing, as practiced by Jesus and taught in Christian Science, is wrought only by a spiritually metaphysical understanding of God and His idea, man. How comprehensible, then, become the life and works of Christ Jesus in the light of the discovery of Christian Science! Reasoning from the premise that God is divine Mind and that Mind is All-in-all, the conclusion naturally follows that God, Mind, can create nothing but spiritual ideas, and that God, being wholly good or perfect, can impart nothing but good, nothing but perfect ideas, and these ideas are ever unfolding as a clearer comprehension is gained of the infinite nature of God.

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