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From the November 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many, like Jacob of yore, when ready to renounce the exile of sin, think their decision to return to the Father's house sufficient to bring them immediately into the full realization of the heaven-harmony promised in Christian Science. They find it hard, at first, to understand conditions that arise, sometimes, apparently the very opposite of right realization. Christian Science explains the cause of these experiences on page 565 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, where we read, "This immaculate idea, represented first by man and, according to the Revelator, last by woman, will baptize with fire; and the fiery baptism will burn up the chaff of error with the fervent heat of Truth and Love, melting and purifying even the gold of human character."

The journey back to the Father's house is a journey from sense to Soul,—a journey into the understanding of God as good. What is good to human sense can be at best but a promise of ultimate good, which will be realized when thought is purified of every material element or human concept. With this fact before us, it is not surprising that the human concept of good is ever advancing as one's thought of Truth is being purged and purified. Hence, it becomes apparent that in absolute Christian Science there can be no loss and no sacrifice. There is just an exchange of old erroneous beliefs for higher, holier viewpoints, bound to bless abundantly. So when, in our journey, as in the experience of Jacob, fear or sin presents itself to be mastered, and we are "greatly afraid and distressed," it is well to remember that there is the same infinite Love to help us wrestle with the temptation and rebuke the error, until the radiance of the newly risen morning light breaks in upon human thought, flooding it with the glory of a new-born vision, and a new promise expresses itself in a better human manifestation.

In his journey back to his father's house, Jacob found he could not return as he had left it. There was an old, mistaken sense of birthright, substance, and blessing to be exchanged for a right sense of brotherhood and possession. Greed and dishonesty had to be so completely healed that the fear of their consequences was rendered null. Then it was that divine forgiveness was gained. As the new-born light of Truth appeared and dispelled the night, there was manifested the complete restoration of brother-love. With the coming of the dawn, Jacob saw Esau on the way to meet him, laden with gifts, and with an affection which had forgotten there was aught to forgive. So, with us, when discord seems to result from our efforts to do right, we may know that it is the call of Truth and Love to a higher realization of good. We should be glad to see the error uncovered; for chaff does not make daily bread.

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