I wish to express my gratitude, in some measure, for the many blessings that have come to me through Christian Science. Until the time of my first healing, eight years ago last December, there had never been a whole year of freedom for me.
The first healing corrected many inharmonious conditions. I was saved from an operation; healed of headaches, to which I had been subject since a child; and backache, from which I had suffered since I was eight years of age, caused from spinal meningitis, was overcome; also bowel trouble. I had experienced much suffering always. Sorrow, too, was healed; and discontent. I could see that everything the practitioner told me was the truth. I went to her first to please a friend; after that, because I wanted to learn more about God. I was obedient in reading and studying what was given me. 1 was completely healed of all those conditions within two weeks; and none of them have ever troubled me since.
In the following April my eyes were healed. One of the best oculists said I should never be able to go without glasses; that to be without them an hour would mean a sick headache. I had worn them over twenty years. I have done a great deal of studying without them since, and have never had any trouble. A practitioner lovingly and patiently helped me through these different problems. I learned to apply the truth, and have had many demonstrations for myself and others. I was healed of goiter also.