"I will not let thee go, except thou bless me."—Genesis 32:26.
"I will not let thee go,"
Of old the prophet Jacob cried aloud,
An-hungered as he was for Spirit's light,
Which, breaking on his upturned face,
Gave him new sense of power and place,
Holy dominion, through his Father's might.
"I will not let thee go."
So each of us, as soldiers, needs must say,
Athirst, with armor on, for Truth's reward;
When through the counter marches drear,
Hemmed in sometimes with doubt and fear,
We fight and conquer self with Spirit's sword.
"I will not let thee go."
Give us, we pray thee, O dear Lord, to gain,
Surrounded with Thy love and held secure,
The consecrated thought, the holy name,
The Christlike nature without sin or blame,
Blessings prepared and ready for the pure.