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From the December 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"AS for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me." As did David, the unhappy heart searching for patience and comfort can turn to God for rescue from the mental bondage into which thought has strayed.

"The lame, the blind, the sick, the sensual, are slaves, and their fetters are gnawing away life and hope; their chains are clasped by the false teachings, false theories, false fears, that enforce new forms of oppression, and are the modern Pharaohs that hold the children of Israel still in bondage" (The People's Idea of God, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 11). Human woe is part of the collection of false claims of which God knows naught. Link by link the chain which has held mankind captive will be broken by intelligent consideration and the understanding of spiritual truths. Since history began, humanity has been struggling against unjust restraints. Resistance and a determination not to submit to error seem the right course for a time; but in quiet study we come to see that there is a better method of freeing one's self than through opposition, for resistance by itself may tend to make error seem more real.

The question of bondage and freedom is a vital one. Our Leader well understood the hope which Christian Science holds out to humanity. Her writings adjust to our mental eyes a magnifying lens which brings into view things never before visible. She makes definite the way in which true freedom is brought about. And it is attained through gaining "the scientific sense of being," of which she speaks in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 101), and concerning which she adds, "It undermines the foundations of mortality, of physical law, breaks their chains, and sets the captive free, opening the doors for them that are bound."

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