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Testimonies of Healing

I give this testimony of the healing...

From the December 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I give this testimony of the healing and transforming power of Christian Science with a deep and sincere sense of gratitude for the revelation of this great truth, and with the hope that it may carry a message of comfort and help to others such as other testimonies have so often brought to me.

At ten years of age I was thought to be a delicate, frail boy whose heart was in such a weak state that it was doubtful whether I would survive another winter. I was under a doctor's care, as I had been since birth. Then, during that year, owing to the desire of my brother for Truth, Christian Science came into our family. A great change took place, and in a few weeks my parents, realizing the efficacy of this great revelation, forsook materia medica to stand whole-heartedly for Truth. What a joy it was to know that freedom and health are the rightful heritage of the children of God! Thoughts of sickness were replaced by thoughts of health, and we began to realize, in some measure, the significance and unquestionable truth of Mrs. Eddy's statement in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 393): "Mind is the master of the corporeal senses, and can conquer sickness, sin, and death. Exercise this God-given authority. Take possession of your body, and govern its feeling and action."

As our understanding increased, so the seeming bonds of error began to loosen and eventually to disappear, so much so that a medical examination made by my old physician when I was fifteen years old showed to his amazement that I was in a high degree of physical fitness. For this most convincing proof of the truth of Christian Science I am ever deeply grateful.

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