For almost three years I was obliged to use a cane on account of a lameness caused by fracture of the pelvic bone and injury to the sciatic nerve, the results of a railroad accident. During the time mentioned I was examined by two reliable physicians, who stated that in their opinion I had tuberculosis. These troubles, and the inability to get relief,— although I had been treated by medical, osteopathic, and chiropractic physicians,—together with financial worries, caused an almost complete physical breakdown. Finally, and as a last resort, I sought help from a Christian Science practitioner. Within a month I was able to dispense with the cane, and at the same time was cured of the smoking habit, which I had had for eighteen years. Much of the time I had spent about seven dollars a month for cigars and tobacco. Four months later I accepted work that kept me on my feet twelve hours each shift for a long time, which shows that the healing was complete.
Three years ago, when in Cleveland, Ohio, attending a convention, I was obliged to leave the hall and go directly to my hotel, as I was becoming very ill with what later proved to be pneumonia. During the first night I became almost delirious, so severe was the attack. Through the loving help of a practitioner, however, I was able to be back in the convention hall on the fourth day.
I am grateful to God, to Mary Baker Eddy for this wonderful religion which is doing so much for mankind, and to all loyal Christian Scientists.— San Angelo, Texas.