CAN one child of God be more blessed than another? Does the creator, who is divine Love, shower upon one person or one nation prosperity, health, and well-being, and meagerly provide for others? In the Bible we find ample assurance of impartial provision for every one of God's children in the words, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine." This impersonal and universal law, as set forth in the parable of the prodigal son, was voiced by the father when the elder brother complained over the joyous reception and bountiful gifts given the returning prodigal, while no such joy had been evidenced over his own faithful and continued obedience.
What more could the father have given his sons than all that he had! And it was constantly available to and awaiting the one who remained at home, as well as the one who departed and then returned. There was no difference in what the father had to give to either, for it was all— all that he had.
Considered in terms of thought, this simple statement of law is big with promise for all mankind; for Christian Science discloses that our Father is divine Mind, invariable Principle, infinite Love, incorporeal Life, Spirit, Soul, undeviating Truth, and that all the riches of this constant source are ours by reason of the fact that the creator is ever expressing His nature through His creation, including man; and therefore all that He has is ours by reflection. In this sense, then, man is ever with his creator, even because Principle is inseparable from its manifestation, or because Life is one with its expression, Truth with its idea, Love with its image. And this relationship can no more be terminated or interrupted than can be the oneness of the sun with its light, heat, activity, through its rays.