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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has brought...

From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has brought me so many benefits that I see the time has come for me to add my testimony to those of others. Over fifteen years ago I was led to visit the only Christian Scientist in our town. A friend and I met with her every week and went through the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly. We became greatly interested and some beautiful healings quickly followed our acceptance of this truth. Among these were healings of constipation, deafness, continual weariness, burns, and minor ills. Soon, other friends were meeting with us, and today we have a church in our little town.

I rejoice that the Bible, together with our textbook, has led me into an understanding of God, and that I am able to prove somewhat the power of Truth in the overcoming of sickness and sin.

Five years ago I was ill for a long time, suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, and a general breakdown; a great sense of fear overwhelmed me; sometimes the beating would cease almost entirely. Through the help of a practitioner the dull, aching pain was eased, but the palpitating continued; and many months elapsed before I was entirely free. Looking back I can truthfully say, I am grateful although my healing was slow, because the seeming difficulty in overcoming the condition made me strive harder to grasp the truths of Christian Science.

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