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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented...

From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to me over fifteen years ago. At that time I was very miserable, both physically and mentally. I seemed to have every ill "that flesh is heir to," such as insomnia, anaemia, extreme nervousness, heart trouble, and many other discordant conditions. I had been under the care of physicians for years; and after I was examined by a specialist my husband was told that I could not live longer than six months. I did not know of this verdict, but prayed on bended knee many times a day to be spared to rear my two babies. My prayer was answered by the presentation of Christian Science, of which I then knew nothing. I was ready to accept this teaching and took up the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. This grand book revealed the truths of the Bible to me as I had never seen them before.

Through the loving help of practitioners and my own study, I was healed of one discordant condition after another. I am most grateful for these healings, although my complete recovery was very slow. While waiting for deliverance I found plenty of time to study and to gain a better understanding of God, who "healeth all thy diseases." Through this understanding I was able to meet the problems that arose in later years. During this period practically all so-called children's diseases have been overcome.

I should like to relate a healing of my daughter. She was taken suddenly very ill with severe pains, manifesting the symptoms of appendicitis, and finally she became delirious. Help in Christian Science was requested, and the practitioner was asked to come to our home. While knowing the truth, I looked at the child and said, "We are grateful, aren't we, dear?" She opened her eyes and replied, "Yes, mother." I then asked her what she was most grateful for, and after a moment she said that she was grateful for her healing. Although seemingly in great pain, she knew she was healed. In a few moments she asked to get up, saying that she wanted to meet the practitioner and her father at the door, which she did. She ate her evening meal, retired, and slept well all night. During this experience only one day of school was missed.

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