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Testimonies of Healing

I have long wished to express my...

From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have long wished to express my gratitude for Mrs. Eddy's discovery of Christian Science, and for her consecration to the discovery, proving its truth by demonstration. I am especially grateful to her for founding a system of healing that is lessening the ills of humanity through the understanding of "the Spirit of truth" that is proving to be the Comforter which Jesus said would come to abide with us "for ever."

Many years ago when I first heard of Christian Science I had no idea it would ever mean anything to me. Some time afterward two of my neighbors, who had been pronounced incurable, after years of invalidism, were restored to health through Christian Science treatment. I never questioned the healing, but it all seemed incomprehensible to me.

A few years later I found myself unable to regain my health, after resorting to various methods of medical treatment. The verdict was that I should never be well without a serious operation, but I was given no assurance that it would be of permanent benefit. Friends had urged me to have Christian Science treatment, but I waited until I had exhausted every material remedy that offered the slightest relief. After spending months confined to my chair, with almost every ill "that flesh is heir to," I realized that those two healings had made a deep impression upon me, and I felt sure that Christian Science would heal me, though everything else had failed, so I turned to it with my whole heart. With two weeks' absent treatment from a practitioner whom I had never seen, every phase of discord and disease dropped from me like a discarded garment. I had had serious abdominal trouble and also stomach disorders, but after my healing I was able to walk any distance and eat anything I wanted. Also I can see normally without glasses which I had worn for a long time; and best of all, I have glimpsed the glory of a spiritual universe, "wherein dwelleth righteousness." Is it any wonder that I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy? The wonder is that I can turn aside for one moment from the contemplation of her marvelous revelation.

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