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Testimonies of Healing

Before taking up Christian Science...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Before taking up Christian Science I had been a great sufferer, having undergone several surgical operations and suffered many long and serious illnesses, until I was beginning to despair of ever getting well and strong again. Christian Science was brought to my notice by a dear friend after I had undergone an operation for appendicitis, which was rendered more serious because gangrene had set in, attended with serious complications that nearly proved fatal. I was in a very weak state when I rather reluctantly opened "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; but on reading the Preface and the wonderful first chapter, on Prayer, I was convinced that I had found something that previously I never had thought it possible to find. I continued reading and studying, and am grateful to say that the study brought such a sense of peace, such a clear understanding of God and man's relationship to Him, that gradually my strength returned, fear and worry left me, and I literally took on a new lease of life.

As I am a professional musician, my work frequently takes me into hot, stuffy, and vitiated atmospheres; and after a strenuous night's work in a concert hall, the sudden change into the cold, frosty night air would bring on severe colds and chills, which sometimes resulted in serious illness. But now all is changed, and I am able to perform my work without the slightest fear. During all these years I have been perfectly well, and have never missed a single engagement. My wife and our family also are actively engaged in Christian Science work, and have had many wonderful experiences and healings as the result.

I am grateful for the many opportunities for active service in the Cause of Christian Science, for membership in The Mother Church, for class instruction, for membership and three years' joyous experience as a Reader in a branch church. I am full of gratitude to God for all His blessings; for the life and example of Christ Jesus; and to our revered Leader, whose inspired writings have unlocked and revealed to us the hitherto hidden mysteries of the Bible, thereby proving to me and mine the unalterable love of God to all mankind in this and every age.—

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