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Testimonies of Healing

I have been wonderfully redeemed...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been wonderfully redeemed from error in many ways through the application of Christian Science, and I am profoundly grateful. Since coming into Christian Science many years ago I have been privileged to see the healing of many diseases, including smallpox, whooping cough, spinal disease, influenza, and two very wonderful healings of pneumonia.

The first experience was that of my mother, who was taken with what seemed to be a bilious attack but in a very short time developed into pneumonia. As she had nursed her father twenty-three years before when he had the same disease and it had proved fatal, she was completely overcome with fear. We called a Christian Science practitioner at once who worked faithfully and every discord was conquered as it manifested itself; although it seemed for a while that my mother would pass on, in three weeks she was completely and permanently healed. This healing meant much to all of the family, as it was the hardest physical problem we had ever been called upon to solve. We were deeply grateful for this proof of God's ever-presence and watchful care over His children, and our faith was made stronger, so that three years later, when our little son came home from school screaming with pain in his head, which developed at once into double pneumonia, we were armed and ready to fight it. We asked for Christian Science treatment at once, with the result that in four days the fever was overcome, and in twelve days he was back in school, perfectly healed. This little fellow had never known anything but God's love and protection, and he had no fear whatsoever that his Father would not hear him and heal him, and, knowing that God is his Life, he knew that he could not die. This was another positive proof that when we turn absolutely to divine Love our every human need will be met, be it sickness, sorrow, or lack of any good thing.

I am grateful for Christian Science because it has taught me how to "pray without ceasing," how to "rejoice evermore," and how to give thanks continually for all blessings; it has taught me that God does supply all my need; and as I honestly and earnestly work for Him I can prove our Leader's words in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 307), "God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies."

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