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Testimonies of Healing

I have enjoyed the privilege of...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have enjoyed the privilege of membership in a branch church and more recently in The Mother Church, and have had many reasons to express my gratitude.

Christian Science found me at the age of fourteen years imbued with the teachings of an orthodox religion which I rather blindly believed. My mother had been interested in Christian Science for some time without awakening any interest in me, until a physical disability with which I had been affected from time to time came upon me once more. I had seen the comfort that had come to my mother and a younger sister and brother from Christian Science, and decided to find out how I could receive help from the same source.

Up to this time I had suffered from a general diseased condition of the skin, aggravated from time to time by the appearance of the first-mentioned difficulty. I began the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and shortly afterward began to attend a Christian Science Sunday School. The atmosphere of love that I found manifested there greatly appealed to me, and my earnest desire to learn more of Christian Science increased.

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