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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to take this means...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to take this means of expressing my gratitude to God for Christian Science. About three years and a half ago I was healed of severe bowel trouble and colitis. This healing was very wonderful to me, as there had not been a normal bowel movement for several years, and the doctors had said I should never be free from the trouble and should always have to be on a strict diet. It made life a misery. I remember asking the practitioner if she thought Christian Science could heal that kind of trouble. She replied that she knew it could, and started treatment. It was very hard for me to trust absolutely to God for healing, as I was very fearful and was sure I was going to die. But instead I was healed; and oh, the joy and wonder of it!

I have had many other demonstrations of the truth and power of Christian Science. I was healed of influenza just through reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I was employed at the time in a boarding house. All at once several of the guests had influenza. I remember thinking how nice it was to have Christian Science and not to worry about such things as all the different symptoms, remedies, and so forth, which were continually being discussed by the other members of the household at that time; and the very next day I had all the symptoms and became very ill. I had to keep on working and could not even take time to sit down and read for a while. So I kept thinking that as soon as dinner was over I would go out and telephone a practitioner to ask for help, for I realized that I had considerable fear to cast out. I kept getting worse all the time; but finally my work was over and I went outside to telephone. I called the practitioner and was startled to receive no answer. I thought, What am I to do now? Quickly I heard this answer: "Physician, heal thyself." That, I thought, means that I must do this work myself. So I returned home and sat down to read Science and Health. But after about an hour I still seemed quite ill and getting worse. Fear was talking loudly to me, so I thought that I must get help, and again tried to call the practitioner, with the same results as before. So I thought, I am going to be obedient; and I took the Bible, the Christian Science Quarterly, and Science and Health and went through the Lesson, trying very earnestly to understand it. When it was finished, I went to bed and slept soundly all night. It was not till almost dinner time the next day that I again thought of the trouble, and then it was to realize that I was completely free. That was just another proof to me that God always hears us when we earnestly seek Him.

To say that Christian Science has become my greatest joy does not half express it. It certainly fills a long-felt need in my life. My daily prayer is that I may become more and more Christlike as I gain in the understanding of this beautiful truth.—

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