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Testimonies of Healing

When I was a junior at the University...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a junior at the University of Minnesota it was my privilege to be placed as roommate of a girl who was a Christian Scientist. I had never heard of Christian Science up to that time. A few days after I had moved in with her I came home from school with a severe case of tonsillitis. I could neither talk nor swallow. My roommate asked me if she might read to me before she went down for her dinner. I nodded my head and fell asleep quickly, and awakened the next morning perfectly normal, much to my amazement. She had already left for her classes and I could scarcely wait for her to come home to ask her what she had done to me. When I asked her, she told me that she had read to me from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I have never had even the slightest attack of tonsillitis since, although I had been subject to it since early childhood. This healing occurred over fifteen years ago.

The next year I was run over by a taxicab and dragged under the wheels for seventy-five feet. I was cut and bruised from my head to my feet. My clothes were in shreds on my left side. The pelvic bones were broken in two places. My left arm was also broken and the sacroiliac joint was injured. All I knew of "the scientific statement of being" as found on page 468 of Science and Health was the first two sentences, and I repeated them over and over and never lost consciousness.

The friend who was with me asked me if I wanted a doctor or a Christian Science practitioner, and at my request she called a practitioner. I was rushed to a hospital in an ambulance, but no material remedies were applied, nor was the Christian Science practitioner, who came to give me present treatment, interfered with. X-ray pictures were taken, and as the doctors examined them they said they could never have set the bones as beautifully as they were set, although they had said that they would have to operate and wire the bones together.

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