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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

With a grateful heart I should...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With a grateful heart I should like to testify of a healing which I received through Christian Science. In the first part of February, 1927, I had to give up my work as a weaver. For a long time I had had no desire to eat; my chest and back pained me and I had shooting pains and fever; often I could not sleep; and one limb would not coordinate with another; I was always weary. The woman doctor attending me pronounced it general weakness of the body and grippe. She gave me medicines and tonics, but at the end of seventeen weeks there was no improvement.

Then I gave up everything intended for relief and strengthening, and studied the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Often it made matters easier; but the thought would not leave me, when I had to cough so hard, that I evidently had lung trouble. Often, too, I became angry at every little thing, and did not express the qualities of love, humility, perseverance, and patience. When I read in Der Herold the joyous testimonies of healing, such confidence came to me that I too could be helped that I asked a practitioner in another city for treatment. This was given me, and the healing took place so quickly that during the second week of treatment I did my washing. I am perfectly well. I have learned again to know that God is Life, Love, and Truth. God alone governs, and man is made in His likeness.

I close with the feeling of deepest gratitude to divine Love, which enabled me to find the way to Christian Science. I also thank Mrs. Eddy for her pure, sublime teachings.—

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