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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since the truth of Being is the one basis of being, the search for knowledge of the truth is the search for cause—God. Consciously or unconsciously, scientific men and deep thinkers are reaching out for the fundamental Truth or cause which material sense can neither reveal nor any longer conceal. So minutely is the evidence of the five senses being scrutinized that the vanishing point of matter, or objectified material thinking, is being apprehended—and what lies beyond? Invulnerable, changeless Truth, Spirit, spelling freedom from limitation, disease, strife, death.

What is Christian Science contributing to mankind's thirst for knowledge? Satisfaction; the revelation of the true nature of God and of genuine manhood and womanhood, together with the means whereby this knowledge may be made practical in human experience. By spiritualizing human consciousness and purging it of evil, Christian Science is solving the perplexing problems of daily life; and it is also healing disease by spiritual means. The materialist may question the authenticity of the Bible and scoff at spiritual knowledge; but he is destined to seek it, to find it, and to be blessed by it. Today, through the application of Christian Science, the reality and healing power of spiritual truth, hidden in Scripture through symbols, metaphors, and parables, is no longer debatable, for it is being found demonstrable.

The first tenet on page 497 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, reads, "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life." This Life is not discernible by microscopic examination, but by spiritual understanding, by the revelation and reflection of eternal, divine Love. Christian Science is giving humanity proof that the correct knowledge of God and man lifts mankind's burdens and puts a song in the heart. Will any deny that the problem of evil has never been solved through material sense and never can be?

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