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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The fallacy that all things are subject to fate, that the span of life can be determined, lengthened or shortened, by chance or by an irresistible force, is yielding to the clear understanding Christian Science gives of God's law and its uninterrupted government of man and the universe. Notwithstanding the insidious nature and the apparent activity of evil, the actual truth remains that the real spiritual man and the real spiritual universe are not subject to fate or chance.

Many years ago a mother sat by the bedside of a child who to all appearance was fighting a losing battle with a disease which medical science has classified as serious, often fatal. As fear of losing the boy was voiced, the immediate response from the Christian Science practitioner came in these words: "Impossible! As long as God is, man is." This proved to be the needed quick and powerful word of inspiring truth, and the mother's concept of man as mortal, subject to so-called fatal material laws, gave place to the spiritual fact that God and man coexist. The result was an instantaneous healing for the boy.

Mankind is surely awakening to the glorious fact that the omnipresent God is providing, moment by moment, all that is necessary for the perfection and continuity of being. Reasoning from the basis that, as Mrs. Eddy states in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 206), "Omnipotent and infinite Mind made all and includes all," Christian Science logically advances to the conclusion that, because he is the offspring of Mind, not matter, individual man lives and is perpetually conscious of God's good gifts. Reason thus supported rests in the assurance that so long as Mind, God, is, man is. Man, then, is not the victim of fate, but rather is he secure because he exists in Mind.

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