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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What a revelation is that which tells of God's allness; which makes God known as omnipotent Mind or Spirit; which declares the glory of His omnipresence! Writing on page 520 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says: "Unfathomable Mind is expressed. The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!" God is infinite, All-in-all. How we delight to contemplate the fact! How we long to realize its meaning to the full, that thereby we may be blessed to the utmost!

What, then, among other things, does the fact that God is infinite, All-in-all, imply? That Spirit or Mind is ever present; that Spirit's manifestation—the real creation of spiritual ideas—is everywhere. Further, the fact that God—Spirit or Mind— is All-in-all necessitates the conclusion that matter, so called, is unreal —nothing; and also, because God is infinite good, that evil is likewise unreal. This understanding gives all the glory to God.

Christian Science, then, affirms that God and His creation of spiritual ideas alone are real, and that since God is omnipresent, His creation, His universe, is likewise omnipresent. Think of it, the whole of creation, as the infinite idea of Mind, omnipresent; every spiritual quality in the real universe of Mind omnipresent! It is well that we should endeavor to grasp this truth. Otherwise, we shall continue to believe that a part of God's universe is present somewhere and other parts of it elsewhere, a fallacy due to a finite, material concept of creation. Not a single spiritual quality of God's entire creation, however, is absent anywhere. And every quality, being omnipresent, is immediately available.

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