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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Christian Scientist needing to know which of two courses was the right one to take, sought God's guidance, praying for a definite answer. Having been a teacher of mathematics, she recalled that answers to problems are not usually printed in algebraic textbooks, and she remembered why Pupils do not need them. If they reason according to mathematical laws, they arrive at the correct answers; but, distrusting their ability to reason, if the answers were printed, many pupils looking at them first might try to work from the answers backwards.

How was she working, queried this student. She recalled these words of Jesus, which are new with each need: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Was she trying to get the answer first, seeking these added things, instead of seeking first the kingdom of God? In obedience to these words of Jesus, a Christian Scientist learns to look for an answer to his prayer only as he seeks the kingdom of God.

But he may logically ask: How does one seek the kingdom of God as taught in Christian Science? Indeed, how does one seek to know any science? First, by learning what are the laws governing that science, and by having enough faith in them to apply them. A Christian Scientist recognizes that it is not sufficient for him to know of the laws of God, as revealed through Christian Science; he must have enough faith in them to apply them. Also, he must adequately deny the claim of material resistance to divine law.

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