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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The world in general seems to be suffering from maladjustment, depression, fear, distrust, uncertainty of the future, and to be accepting these conditions as real. Seeking relief largely through material channels, it finds much of lack, distress, unrest, and various other discordant manifestations needing to be overcome. Mary Baker Eddy says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p.228): "Floating with the popular current of mortal thought without questioning the reliability of its conclusions, we do what others do, believe what others believe, and say what others say." To the student of Christian Science, the truth of this statement is at once apparent.

The Christian Scientist is taught to look to God as the only cause. He therefore understands that God, divine Principle, is the creator of all that really exists, and that the activity of the real universe is controlled by divine Mind, the only intelligence. Since there is but one Mind, there can be no real activity other than the activity of Mind. Man, the idea of God, is not governed by matter or mortal mind, the supposititious opposite of divine Mind, but reflects divine Mind and is governed by Mind alone. Thus man's activity is spiritual, harmonious, infinite, immutable, good. What seems to the senses to be material activity is not the activity of Mind, but the product of mortal thinking. Because discordant material conditions emanate from mortal thought, they are unreal, untrue, and incapable of spiritual good. On the other hand, the activity of divine Mind, which is wholly spiritual, partakes of the qualities of Spirit, namely, goodness, harmony, infinity, changelessness, perfection.

The student of Christian Science therefore sees that the activity of man, as an idea of divine Mind, reflecting and governed by Mind, is wholly spiritual, and is dependent alone upon God, the only cause and creator, who knows nothing of lack, depression, or limitation. In proportion to his discernment of this fact is the student's individual activity governed by divine Principle and harmony in fruition made manifest. Steadfast in reliance upon God as the source of all activity, protection, and supply, he refuses to accept the testimony of the senses and the erring mortal claims which would intrude themselves upon him.

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