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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The beneficent influence of right thinking, awakened through the teachings of Christian Science, is being felt in ever increasing measure throughout the world, and its vital presence is a power for good which can no longer be denied. The only remedy for the world's ills is to be found through the correct answer to Pilate's question, "What is truth?" Thus when Mrs. Eddy established her church she perceived the necessity for a Sunday school as an integral part of the Christian Science organization, through which to guide and guard the expanding thought of childhood, and of young manhood and young womanhood.

The economic depression, widely apparent today, is a manifestation of material beliefs or ignorance of the fundamental truths underlying the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Sermon on the Mount. These are taught and illustrated in our Sunday school. The basic truths of Christian Science, gently revealed to the scholars, guide their thoughts on to the threshold of "the unsearchable realm of Mind" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 264). Such instruction aids in nullifying the unhappy tendencies of mortal mind. Children so taught are being educated rightly. Their waiting on God and childlike expectancy of good lead them naturally to desire to pursue "academics of the right sort," which our Leader says "are requisite" (ibid., p. 195), and waken in them an appreciation of and a love for all that is beautiful, constructive, and good in human endeavor.

The writer attended the Christian Science Sunday School for over fourteen years, and during that period he became increasingly aware of the certainty of divine Love's protection. This has been beautifully brought out in his experience, although he has sometimes been led by "unsought ways." He learned also the necessity for genuine honesty in every thought and deed. In Truth, the intrinsic honesty and reliability of every individual is established, and nothing can militate against this ideal concept of God's children.

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