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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The establishment of our Lesson-Sermons in the form given in the Christian Science Quarterly was the result of our Leader's prayer and demonstration. A feature of these Sermons is termed "Responsive Reading," prayerful consideration of which brings deep appreciation of what the Lesson-Sermon is and what it does.

Mrs. Eddy writes in "Miscellaneous Writings" (pp.196,197), "The Scriptures require more than a simple admission and feeble acceptance of the truths they present; they require a living faith, that so incorporates their lessons into our lives that these truths become the motive-power of every act." This basic requirement of Scripture indicates the deep meaning and purpose of the Responsive Reading, the responsive attitude. It helpfully differentiates between perusal of the printed words and meditative study of their meaning, between implicit faith that accepts blindly and explicit faith, whereby the student spiritually understands what he reads and so participates in the truth thus instructing him. To broaden and deepen this participation in spiritual truths, inspiring every motive and act, is our necessary response to Truth.

Christ Jesus attained the ideal of what the Scriptures require. He read them understandingly. His faith lived in works, and every act of his life was motivated by Truth. Standing in the synagogue in Nazareth, the great Teacher read from Isaiah prophetic words about the sacred work which should be accomplished by the expected Messiah, who should tell the good news to the poor in spirit, and heal all those weary of earth who would receive him. Then came his own gracious words, "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears." Wondrous example of spiritual discernment and responsiveness which enabled the Master through a living faith in God to demonstrate the fulfillment of prophecy! His ministry was full of immortal fruits; and in his talk to two of his followers on the road to Emmaus he expounded recorded prophecy from Moses to that time, explaining the deathless Christ, which outshines time and human philosophy.

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