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From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have lost nothing:
For naught can ever be
Taken away from good.
Down through eternity—
Love giveth all to me.

I have lost no one:
Death never took away
Life that the Father gave;
Nor can it ever say,
Man lives but for a day.

How could I lose aught,
If loss can have no place
Where we in humble prayer
Kneel at the throne of grace,
Seeing the Father's face?

Good is eternal,
Given abundantly—
Infinite benefits
Showered everlastingly,
As we His goodness see.

Man can lose nothing;
For Love has given
Health, joy, immortal life;
Error's veil riven,
So do we dwell in heaven!

*Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 111.

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