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From the March 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 276 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy says, "Real consciousness is cognizant only of the things of God;" and in "Unity of Good" (p. 4) she assures us that "God is all true consciousness." Then the consciousness of perfect man reflects God. This reflection is the life and intelligence of man, his only activity and power, since man embodies or images forth Truth; and to his divine origin man is ever true. The real man is loyal to Truth because he is like that which he reflects. In his loyalty to Truth, as Truth's expression, he is forever free and unchanging. God's man can never be sick or believe that he is sick. Then any attempt to heal a sick man is erroneous, because no such man exists. One can but heal or destroy the belief in a sick person, since the real man never can be discordant.

Jesus knew that he was never separated from his divine selfhood; he knew that the Christ which he manifested includes the qualities which forever constitute God's perfect and complete man. This was his native state of consciousness, his individual loyalty to Truth, his knowledge of good and its activity; and he neither recognized nor admitted as real any other seeming existence. Then we too must adopt this true consciousness and identify ourselves with God, the universal Life and intelligence, or Truth.

It is helpful to acknowledge the oneness of Truth, to know that it has no opposite. Always positive, as Truth must needs be, it does not cognize both good and bad, right and wrong, health and disease, but only good. It is wholly apart from that which is called matter, but which is illusion, and abides in its own perfection. In "Retrospection and Introspection" (p. 75) we learn from our Leader's statement that "the Science of Mind excludes opposites, and rests on unity." Truth can be conscious only of that which is true, and hence eternal; and those who are honestly seeking to be loyal to Truth must hold their thought and action to the standard which is in accord with true consciousness. Paul points the way when he directs us to think of those things which are good, pure, true, lovely. It is a simple admission of the allness of God, silencing the material senses, learning to be content in God, to trust Him, and to obey His laws, letting His will be done without fret or question. In Galatians we read, "Who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?"

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