One of the many perplexing problems of human experience is that of making right decisions. In the words of the prophet Joel, "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." The choice constantly confronting mortals is the fundamental choice between good and evil. When through spiritual leading this all-important decision is made and a stand taken and consistently maintained on the side of right, divine guidance may confidently be expected to operate in all troublesome situations, regardless of their seeming complexity.
The confusion frequently manifested under conditions requiring clear, prompt, decisive action is due in some measure to the fact that when called upon to make decisions the individual has known no certain foundation upon which to base his thinking. He cannot, therefore, advance with any reasonable degree of assurance that he is being directed toward ultimate right conclusions. The thoughtful observer, contemplating the uncertainty and confusion apparent in the world today, cannot fail to perceive that the only solution for the discordant conditions of human experience is to be found in a knowledge of spiritual law and its intelligent application to human problems. Disregard of this law in the majority of instances is the result of lack of understanding of its nature and availability, not willful or deliberate disobedience to something known. The insecurity engendered because of this ignorance leads to an exaggerated sense of personal responsibility; fear and confusion ensue, and to arrive at wise conclusions under such circumstances becomes exceedingly difficult.
The teachings of Christian Science offer a way out of this common dilemma by revealing God as divine Principle, and the real universe, including man, as lawfully sustained, legitimately directed, and perfectly controlled by spiritual law. Man is recognized as the compound idea of infinite Mind, reflecting good only, and forever held under a spiritual law of wise and loving guidance. These fundamental facts once accepted, the student is provided with a working basis from which he may confidently expect definite good results.