The holy Book of books was Love-inspired:
How else could simple messages lift hearts
On strong, brave, soaring wings when they are tired
With fret and fear; how else could broken parts
Of sentences shine out with sudden light
To show the way for weary, wandering feet;
How else could mere descriptive words bloom bright
With healing phrases, beautiful and sweet?
Now in the place where he was crucified
There was a garden, John thus briefly wrote;
A simple fact, and yet one reading cried
For joy because his thought was stirred to note
A glorious thing that Love would have us know:
That right where hate has raised a cruel cross
There is a garden where we all may go
On lifted thought to purge our hearts of dross
And love our fellow man; then, praying, bring
A victory out of each hard circumstance—
A garden where, like birds, our hearts may sing,
Our faith shine out like sunlight's radiant glance,
Our hope bud new, and where, like bending sky,
Love broods forever with a watchful eye.

From the August 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal