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From the April 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is the glorious privilege of every student in Christian Science, whether he is just beginning to study or is more experienced in the study of divine Truth, to bear witness joyously and gratefully to the omnipotence of God and to man's reflected dominion. The humble acknowledgment of the all-power of infinite Love brings to consciousness the positive conviction that there is, and can be, no power separate from God. It is apparent that God, Love, is the divine Principle of all real being, whose law is supreme and absolute, and that we must unhesitatingly obey and utilize this law in order to prove the harmony of man's existence.

At times overwhelming evidence of another power besides good seems to manifest itself. For example, there is the insidious suggestion that, due to uncertain economic conditions, opportunities for advancement and progress are limited; but God's law provides abundance of good for every one of His children, and nullifies this counterfeit law of matter. The one infinite Mind alone governs man, and this government is sovereign and progressive. The great task before mankind is to annul the lying, limiting laws of matter by claiming the protection of God's law, which gives dominion over all untoward conditions.

In order that we may claim this lawful dominion it is necessary to establish our true identity as God's own children, to whom each hour is unfolding more glorious views of the Father's unlimited love for all His creation. This unfoldment is apparent only as we deny every material view of any situation and recognize instead Love's purpose for each and all of God's ideas. We must be alert to every attempt of mortal mind to hold our thoughts in bondage to its false laws, regardless of how authoritative these laws may be considered. We must know that every position which we attain is governed by divine Love, and this knowledge will strengthen us to meet each right demand, however great. It will lead us gently, uninterruptedly, onward and upward to greater spirituality and more enduring achievement.

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