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From the April 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists are obedient to the laws of the lands in which they live. Mrs. Eddy enjoins her followers to submit to governmental decrees, even though these may not be consistent with their understanding of good government. Nevertheless, as followers of the master Christian, they are aware that perfect government exists in the kingdom of heaven, which he declared to be within man.

Although Christ Jesus may have seemed to some to possess the attributes of a dictator, "a person invested with absolute power," yet he said, "I can of mine own self do nothing." Thus, he pointed unmistakably to the infinite Person, who is God, as the Supreme Ruler of the universe and the source of each man's intelligence and power. The unlimited nature of divine Mind is continuously reflected by individual man, Mind's exact image; but Mind, not man, is the reigning power on earth as in heaven.

Christian Science has come to declare and to prove that all men have access to this one Mind, God; that they may govern themselves by obedience to this Mind; and that through reflection of the divine nature they may reign in righteousness in their individual experiences. This teaching awakens men to recognize and claim their rights to know and do the truth, and so to overthrow the seeming rule of carnality in their lives. Thus each one becomes a true guardian of his own consciousness, admitting only such thoughts as come from God, and a true dictator to his own body, causing it to yield at all times to the law of God. We read on page 125 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "Reflecting God's government, man is self-governed. When subordinate to the divine Spirit, man cannot be controlled by sin or death."

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