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From the April 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The living beauty of heaven as revealed through the teachings of Christian Science has filled countless hearts with deep and lasting joy. The age-old concept of heaven as a distant, nebulous spot where God is enthroned, arbitrarily summoning His children to Him one by one through a process that stings with grief and stabs with dread, fades before the truth presented by Christian Science.

Heaven is spiritual harmony. This is one of the first facts the study of this Science makes demonstrably clear. Heaven is an ever-available state of harmonious consciousness to be enjoyed here and now by those who let their thoughts be governed by the Supreme Ruler of this kingdom of heavenly knowing. Man's birthright forever holds him a permanent, lawful resident in this spiritual realm where God is King, where the King of glory, the King of all glorious spiritual ideas, holds sovereign sway.

Satisfying as this new understanding of heaven proves to be, the progressive student is constantly reaching out for the fullness of the message God has in store for him throughout the inspired Word of the Scriptures and the inspired writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the revered Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. Accordingly, he soon notes that the Glossary of her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," includes more than the one word "harmony" in defining "heaven." His awakened thought begins to dwell upon the entire definition appearing on page 587: "Heaven. Harmony; the reign of Spirit; government by divine Principle; spirituality; bliss; the atmosphere of Soul."

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