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Testimonies of Healing

At the time Christian Science came...

From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At the time Christian Science came to me I was in such a condition that I could not walk far or stand long or even sit in comfort. I just did not know what more to do. I was thinking of going to the hospital for treatment or an operation. I knew we should have to mortgage our home, as we had no ready cash. About a year before this I had had an operation for hemorrhoids, but the distress was coming back again, and I was getting so helpless that I could not do my household duties. To sweep a floor or move a piece of furniture or even to wring a dish cloth seemed a difficult and painful task.

One day, over two years ago, a friend met me and asked me how I was. I told her how poorly I had been feeling. She told me of the healing truths of Christian Science, and as I listened to her everything looked so bright, I was glad to listen. She asked if she should work for me and I accepted her offer gladly. I came home, and in about an hour I could feel that wonderful healing that she had told me I could receive. I became so joyful I began jumping around, something I had not been able to do for a long time.

The next evening I met the same friend, and I was so glad and grateful to tell her of my healing, and thank her for what she had done for me. Then she explained more of this wonderful religion to me and told me how to read and study. We purchased "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and began studying it at once. About a week after this I picked more than twenty quarts of cherries and lifted a long ladder and set it in the tree myself. I was also able to push a lawnmower, and in two days took an automobile trip of over two hundred and fifty miles. This was something I had not been able to do before receiving this wonderful healing.

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