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Testimonies of Healing

From my childhood until I found...

From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From my childhood until I found Christian Science, I seemed to be searching for something that would really satisfy. I had a great desire to pray but no understanding of how to go about it. Early in my experience as a young girl, through much activity in the ways of material sense and frivolity, I learned that satisfaction was not in matter. The shallowness of worldly allurements and attractions proved the truth of our dear Leader's statement in Science and Health (p. 262,) "We cannot fathom the nature and quality of God's creation by diving into the shallows of mortal belief."

Then I found Christian Science. I knew at once that it was what I had really longed for always, and I cannot describe the deep satisfaction it brought. At this time I was away at school. My family was struggling with a sense of loss in business, which made it difficult for my sister and me to finish our schooling. Consequently, one of the first healings I received in Christian Science was the healing of a sense of lack and limitation. I saw that I could not think of my family as the only channel of supply in the world, since God has infinite resources with which to bless His children.

As the time came to finish my schooling the question of employment presented itself. The belief was that one in my line of work must first serve an apprenticeship to gain the necessary practical experience; this would mean working without any income. I did not accept this belief but. instead, turned entirely to God for my help, through Christian Science. I knew that I already had a job working for my Father, and that He would guide me where He wanted me to be and where I could give the greatest service. By the time my schoolwork was finished a beautiful unfoldment came in the way of a position which provided an abundant salary, as well as the training in practical experience that seemed necessary.

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