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Testimonies of Healing

In March, 1913, I first learned of...

From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In March, 1913, I first learned of Christian Science, this wonderful healing truth that makes men free from all worries and fleshly ills. Since then I have had ample occasion to prove this healing power as we are taught it through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I could write of many healings, such as of sprained ankles, colds, swollen glands, pains and aches, indigestion, biliousness, a mangled arm, mastoiditis, measles, earaches, fever, chicken pox, whooping cough, grippe, tonsillitis, influenza, sinus trouble, paralysis, hysteria, and concussion from accident. Most of all I am grateful for the protection Christian Science has given my little family, especially through babyhood. We have all enjoyed remarkably good health, and the hours spent in bed through illness have been very few.

Christian Science saved the life of our little dog when she was run over by an automobile. The veterinary did not expect her to survive the night and so did absolutely nothing for her. But my young daughter and I took a radical stand for Truth, knowing that life could not be destroyed, and that the little dog, as a lesser idea of God, expressed love, loyalty, joy, and activity. In the morning she was so much improved that the veterinary set the compound fracture of her leg and we brought her home. There were no hemorrhages from the internal injuries and it was not long before she acted like her old self.

As I review my twenty-three years' study and experience in Christian Science, I am exceedingly grateful for having been able to attend the Sunday school for several years. I appreciate this now so much more than I did at the time. During my Sunday school attendance I had the added good fortune of being taught by one of Mrs. Eddy's pupils. Her counsel and guidance ever recur to me, especially now that I am privileged to teach Sunday school.

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