I HOPE this testimony may encourage all those who are struggling with physical or other difficulties, who are seeking the truth,and would be freed from their sufferings.
In James we read, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." I have learned always to bear in mind that God alone is infinite power. In 1931 I was suffering from a bad case of arteriosclerosis, heart trouble, and swollen liver; and then were added diabetes and a stomach complaint. The doctors had already prepared my wife for my early death. One doctor, when asked whether I should ever get well again, said he could not install a new heart in me, medical art not having gone that far yet. I should like to add that I was then pensioned on account of sickness.
Although I had known of Christian Science since 1928, I had not understood it. But now in my need I wrote to a Christian Science practitioner in Hamburg, there being no church or society here, and I was privileged to find that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." From month to month my condition improved. Now I am entirely well again, and all my friends are surprised to see me looking younger all the time.