Because the religion of Christ Jesus and his disciples has again become a living reality through the healing, purifying influence of Christian Science, I am deeply grateful.
I have experienced the healing of many discordant conditions, some of which have been overcome instantly, while others have yielded more slowly. Among the physical healings have been those of extreme nervousness and susceptibility to colds and sore throat. The latter condition had persisted for many years, until finally I yielded to a physician's advice and had my tonsils removed. But in a short time the condition returned. Since taking up the study of Christian Science I have been healed of this distressing irritation without any special treatment.
Through the help of a practitioner, I was healed instantly of a severe pain in my back, although a sense of lameness continued for several hours. I was able to continue with my work, rejoicing in the opportunity to prove God's allness. Toward evening the complete healing was accomplished, and I called the practitioner, who rejoiced with me. At another time I was healed of a misplacement of long standing. The condition was attended by severe pain, and I could hardly reach the practitioner's office. I was healed by present treatment, and walked joyfully home, entirely free. The healing has been permanent.