Christian Science has indeed been the "pearl of great price" in my life and home.
My first outstanding healing was that of gallstones some seventeen years ago, after an operation had proved ineffectual. All the symptoms returned, together with many complications. It was my extremity, but God's opportunity. Through the aid of a friend, help was asked for and lovingly given by a Christian Science practitioner, who met and destroyed the error with the light of Truth. I was set free and have not had a return of this condition. My husband has been freed from epilepsy of long standing. From childhood and during young manhood this belief held him in bondage. After a severe attack help was lovingly given by a practitioner, and again healing took place through the application of the truth and by my husband's claiming his birthright and freedom as a son of God.
Christian Science was a great help before and at the birth of our two children, conditions being natural and harmonious. This Science has been a most wonderful help to them in the overcoming of material beliefs, sustaining even in the darkest hour. Our little son was healed of pneumonia in three days, when to material sense he was very ill indeed. In accordance with the law we called in a doctor, who was told we were depending entirely on Christian Science. He was able to say on the third day that there was no temperature and no congestion. We proved that "underneath are the everlasting arms."