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Testimonies of Healing

For more than twenty-five years it...

From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For more than twenty-five years it has been a joy to express appreciation and gratitude for Christian Science, on several occasions, at the Wednesday evening testimony meetings. I now desire to present my written testimony, hoping, in a more expansive way, to tell something of the great benefits that have come to me through my years of study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy.

It was not because of physical need that I was led to Christian Science. I had been seeking for a right definition of God and found it in the Christian Science textbook. Through my early years of study I had never doubted that I had chosen the right path. As I continued reading, however, I found that Christian Science was not a religion to be apathetically enjoyed, but that I must work and learn to sacrifice self and human desires in order to get results. On page 254 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, "The human self must be evangelized." When I saw what this meant, I began to try to eliminate false beliefs and to overcome faults of character. I learned to pray through studying the chapter on Prayer in Science and Health, and became conscious of the fact that true prayer is always answered.

Problems began to present themselves. There was a period of illhealth, and during this time goiter, extreme nervousness, and weakness were healed with the help of practitioners. At this time supply had to be recognized as being spiritual before our needs were met. Improved conditions did not come suddenly, for only as I learned to apply the rules of Christian Science and to become more humble and pray earnestly for enlightenment in the truth did I have results.

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