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Testimonies of Healing

Ten years ago, after the birth of...

From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Ten years ago, after the birth of my son, I was in constant ill-health for a period of two years. When he was four months old I was taken in an ambulance to a hospital for an X ray and observation. The trouble was diagnosed as kidney stones and a misplaced kidney. While I was there a small kidney stone was passed. After my return from the hospital I was under constant care, observed a very strict diet, took mineral waters and so forth, and was frequently examined and X-rayed. Two years later I was still in constant pain and very weak. Only by a supreme effort was I able to care for my child and do the most necessary housework. Then the doctor said that I must have a maid, that I should never be well and strong again, and that his only hope was that he could keep me from becoming bedridden. This was a disheartening verdict for one who had always been very active.

After that I stopped taking medicine and going to the doctor's office, and grew neither better nor worse. I could not afford a maid, and somehow dragged through the days, praying that death might come before I became a helpless burden to my family.

At this darkest hour came Christian Science. A relative had been healed in three weeks of advanced tuberculosis, solely through the reading of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. She sent me a copy and I read it. There was much I could not understand, but I continued to study the book. I do not know when I was healed. One day it occurred to me that I had no pain in my back, and had felt none for a long time. It has never come back! Today, instead of being a bed-ridden invalid, I am able not only to do my housework, but often to work for hours in my garden, spading and carrying heavy stones.

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