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Testimonies of Healing

The healing power of Christian Science...

From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The healing power of Christian Science has freed me from many physical and financial difficulties and countless other discordant conditions. During many years I have received spiritual enlightenment, comfort in sorrow, peace, and happiness.

As the result of an accident I was taken to a hospital. I remained unconscious for over three days; and doctors declared that without an operation there was no chance of recovery. I had sustained an injury to the base of the brain, a broken collar bone, and an injury to the ear which medical opinion said would cause deafness. I had no operation, but during all this time I was receiving Christian Science treatment. I had been accustomed to turn to God for help in every need, and to find myself in this hospital, surrounded by evidences of medical attention, disturbed me at first. As soon as I was able to read I opened Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy, at page 160, and saw the words, "Is man a material fungus without Mind to help him?" Then the positive assurance that man is an idea in Mind, not a piece of matter, uplifted and sustained me. After seven days I was out of the hospital. One by one I saw the penalties imposed by so-called material law disappear before the healing power of Truth. My hearing is normal, and all of those other physical difficulties have been permanently healed.

My appreciation of the lifework of Mrs. Eddy increases in proportion to my progress in the understanding of her revelation to this age. I am very grateful for Christian Science. —

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